Thursday, April 3, 2014


This week had been nice. I feel a sense of freedom knowing we don’t have to worry about Thursday night gymnastics anymore.

I don’t know why the rest of the week should be affected by our suddenly free Thursdays but it has been.

On Monday evening Alyssa and I had to take a quick trip to my mom’s. Olivia stayed home with Tom to watch two episodes of Cops Reloaded. She’s a funny one.

On Tuesday, I made mini muffins for the lunches Olivia takes to school but doesn’t eat until she gets home and can sit in the recliner with her dad. In this she’s just weird.

I also made biscuits to go with the potato soup Olivia and Tom were going to have for dinner. Then, get this, I folded two loads of laundry and put most of it away. I know! So productive.

Last night I made pancakes for Olivia’s lunch for the next few days. Obviously, we want to fill her up since she won’t eat while at school. Then I put the rest of the laundry away.

I feel like this week had been so much more productive than the last, oh say, twenty weeks. We’re all more relaxed, we have time to sit down to dinner and talk to each other. We take a little more time to laugh and even wrestle (A and O, not me and Tom, ahem.)

Mixed in there is also homework for Olivia, reading every night and bedtime routines that can’t be messed with.

Freeing up that one night feels like we’ve taken an enormous load off our shoulders. Weird that one night would make such a difference. But here we are.

And because I think she’s awesome and everyone else has posted videos of their kids singing parts of “Let It Go.” Here’s Olivia.

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